(65) 8182 3325 jennylinse@gmail.com

Vitamix FAQ

Can I buy a Vitamix from outside Singapore or online foreign vendors and use it in here in Singapore?
For warranty it is only valid in the country where you purchase your machine from. If there is any damage or need for service, it must be returned to the country where you purchased from, at the owner’s own expense. Please note the transformer converter for the 120volts are very expensive (a simple adaptor won’t do) and they take up much space in the kitchen.  So we recommend buying your machine in Singapore.

Do you sell additional container?
Yes we have the 640z, 32oz wet and dry containers. Wet blade containers are ideal for processing “wet” foods, like juices, soups and frozen treats. The dry container has blades specially designed for grinding whole grains and kneading bread dough. The wet blades pull food through the blades during processing. The dry blades push foods up and away, making it the better choice for dry grinding or kneading sticky dough.

How can a Vitamix cook soups and make ice cream?
High-speed blade action is the secret to friction cooking and making frozen treats in the Vitamix machine! For frozen treats, the high-performance hammermill and cutting blades crush frozen ingredients and release coldness. Vitamix processing is so fast, there is no time for melting and the mixture refreezes itself. For cooking soups, the blade speed builds a friction heat that can bring fresh ingredients to boiling in about 5 minutes.

Home Versus Commercial Units what is the difference?
Commercial blenders are designed for high volume restaurant and busy café operations. All Commercial units have a 3 year warranty on parts and 1 year on labor. Household units are designed for a wide variety of operations. Household blenders come with a 5-7 years warranty, and recipe book. Most Vitamix machines share the same high-performance motor and patented blade design.

Why You Won’t Want to Choose A Commercial Unit For Home
CLICK HERE => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wn-INzL7-I&t=3s

Is it normal for the container to move slightly on the Vitamix motor base?
Yes, it is normal for this to happen as the coupling is aligning with the drive socket.

Why does my Vitamix smell like it’s burning?
Although all motors are tested at the Vitamix factory, heavy use will cause further curing of the motor windings. This curing gives off a burning smell and is typical for wound motors. This smell will quickly dissipate after a few heavy uses. In addition, the Vitamix motor is designed to protect itself from overheating. If the motor should overheat, it may emit a burning smell.

Why my Vitamix stop when I blend thick smoothie, peanut butter, hummus, or other thick mixture?
The machine stopped because its thermal protector sensed that the machine was about to overheat. Turn the power switch off for up to 45 minutes, allowing the machine to cool down or reset.

Below Are Some Tips To Prevent Overheating When Processing Thick Mixtures

Check Your Speed
When starting the machine, make sure the switch on the left is down and the Variable Speed Dial is turned to 1. Turn the machine on, turn the Variable Speed Dial from 1 to 10, and flip the switch to High within five seconds. The Vitamix machine performs best on High speed to pulverize food and process thick mixtures.

Check Your Quantity
Processing cooked potatoes, cooked rice, or cooked beans creates a heavier than normal load on the machine. You may want to consider reducing the food quantity placed in the container by half (depending on how much food you started with) and possibly adding a bit of liquid.

Follow Order of Ingredients
Place ingredients into the container in the order listed in your Vitamix recipe. If working with your own recipe, start with the most liquid ingredients first (water, juice), followed by softer ingredients (tofu, yogurt), then juicier fruits and vegetables (grapes, cucumbers), firmer fruits and vegetables (apples, carrots), frozen ingredients (frozen berries), and finally ice. If you use protein powders, they should follow the ice.

Use the Tamper Effectively
If ingredients are not freely circulating, the tamper can be used to improve the flow of food. While the machine is running and with the lid firmly in place, insert the tamper through the lid plug opening and hold it in one of the corners of the container. As the food travels around the side of the container, the tamper directs it right into the blades. If there is an air pocket around the blade, the tamper will release the air pocket and create a continuous flow of food through the blades.

How to clean Vitamix container?
Vitamix container self-clean in 60 seconds or less – just add a drop of liquid detergent.

Why is my Vitamix container cloudy or stained. How can I clean it?
The minerals from fruits, produce, and leafy greens can cause a film on your container. We recommend pouring one cup of white vinegar into the container and filling it half-full with warm water. Choose a soft dish scrubber to clean the inside of the container. Blades are sharp so please be extra careful.

Why it is good about Vitamix from burning out like other “blenders”?
Vitamix is built with a high efficiency radial cooling fan and has a built-in thermal protection system to prevent overload and burnout.

What is the variable speed control dial for?
Vitamix unique variable speed control dial enables Vitamix to perform multiple kitchen tasks without attachments. It chops, grinds, whips, blends, freezes, cooks, stirs, purees and so much more.

Copolyester vs Polycarbonate Containers
Please note: Vitamix for Home containers are made from Copolyester and Vitamix For Business containers are made from Polycarbonate

Why did Vitamix for Home decide to change to Copolyester Containers?
The Vitamix Home product development team has always kept up-to-date on alternative container materials and discovered that Eastman Chemical Company was developing a new material that happened to be BPA-free. Being aware of a growing controversy regarding the BPA in polycarbonate, Vitamix for Home felt that the new Tritan™ was a wise choice for it’s toughness, increased sound damping and resistance to cracking in addition to the fact that it contained no BPA.

Is there any danger in using a Vitamix For Business polycarbonate container?
There is not. Polycarbonate is 100% food safe and certified and tested by NSF and other agencies around the world. Polycarbonate is absolutely safe up to 212 degrees Fahrenheit and food prepared according to Vitamix instructions would never reach anywhere near that level of heat.

Much of the “internet buzz” on BPA concerns heating food in polycarbonate container in a microwave or storing food in polycarbonate containers, which again, does not relate to Vitamix processing in any way. Polycarbonate containers are more durable then the copolyester containers and are better suited for commercial environments.

Why is it that glass was not chosen for the Vitamix container? Glass is BPA-free.
Due to the high speed of the blades and the powerful motor, glass is an unsafe option for Vitamix. If a spoon, or other utensil, were to be accidentally dropped in or left in the container during processing, the glass container could shatter or explode and cause serious injury.

Vitamix for Home Containers are made from Eastman Tritan copolyester. What exactly is a copolyester?
There is a lot of chemistry involved in the explanation, but basically, here’s how it works: Polyesters are made by stringing together a chain of esters using multifunctional molecules (acids or esters). The polyester most people are familiar with is called PET, and some copolyesters are based on PET but tailored to yield a range of properties for specific applications. Eastman’s new Tritan™ copolyester is produced in a similar way, but it is not based on PET chemistry, but rather a new monomer that gives it higher heat resistance, excellent impact resistance and increased resistance to cleaning agents.

Vitamix 3HP vs 2HP Blending
Is a 3 horsepower blender needed for household applications?
Absolutely not. Vitamix household products are built to maximize the performance for the expected application, not the horsepower of the motor. Some machines use misleading INPUT horsepower rather than the more accurate peak motor OUTPUT that Vitamix uses.

What processes require 3 HP?
No particular process requires 3 HP. Vitamix has determined that there is a benefit to a 3 HP motor in commercial applications that produce hundreds of blends of thick purees and thick drinks in a single day. Vitamix 3HP commercial machines are designed to be used under a significantly higher daily cycle count and heavier loads than our household machines which do not require 3 HP.

Does a 3 HP motor guarantee better performance?
3 HP offers better performance in commercial applications requiring continuous heavy load capability. This type of performance is not needed or beneficial for household machine performance.

Is there anything that will guarantee better performance?
When all is said and done, it is the entire machine design – including blades, container, tamper, motor, bearings and more that guarantees consistently exceptional performance in Vitamix machines.

What is the difference between “input” and “output” horsepower?
Input horsepower, which is a term used with many 3 HP appliances, can be misleading because power is wasted in terms of heat to reach a true output horsepower reading. The Vitamix machine operates at 2 peak output horsepower.

Is it true that a substance as hard as an avocado pit requires a 3 HP motor?
Absolutely not. The 2 peak HP Vitamix machine does a fine job of grinding avocado pits.