(65) 8182 3325 jennylinse@gmail.com

Researching a better life for you since 1910.
Dr. Norman W. Walker is recognized throughout the world as one of the most authoritative students of life, health and nutrition. For almost 70 years, Dr Walker has researched man’s ability to live a longer, healthier life. He is his own example of achieving vibrant healthbthrough proper thought, diet and body care.

Dr Walker has found his “secret” to a long, healthy, productive life and offers you the opportunitybto share “The Possible Dream” through his internationally famous books on health and nutrition.

‘Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices’.
What’s Missing in Your Body?norman walker
Deficiencies of certain minerals, salts and vitamins can cause many of the symptons of illness. Vegetable juices are categorically listed and their elements carefully explained. A formula guide, compiled by the author in cooperation with R.D.Pope, M.D. provides suggestions for effective treatment for specific ailments!

To read Dr Walker’s book on Fresh Vegetable & Fruit Juices,
go this link https://www.truthseekerz.com/fresh-vegetable-and-fruit-juices-by-norman-walker.pdf